The Garu-Tempane District Assembly with support from the implementing partners of the GSAM programme, successfully held a town hall meeting today, March 16th, 2017 to provide citizens a platform to assess the District Assembly’s Project Performance.
Participants at the meeting included Chiefs, Assembly Members and some community members from the programme implementation communities. Other participants included representatives from Civil Society Organizations especially the GSAM implementing partners, the media (Quality FM, an FM station in the District), the projects user agencies and staff of departments of the Assembly.
Ghana’s Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms (GSAM) is a five-year project, which is being implemented in 100 districts across the Ten Regions of Ghana of which the Garu-Tempane District is part. It is designed to strengthen social accountability by improving information to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to enhance their capacity to demand accountability. The goal of the project is to strengthen citizens’ oversight of capital development projects to improve local government transparency, accountability and performance.
It is being funded by the Government of the United States of America through its development agency, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and executed by a consortium of three locally-based Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)— Care International Ghana, IBIS Ghana and the Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC).
As part of the requirement of GSAM in the District, two capital projects were selected from the 2016 District Annual Action Plan and their implementation processes were keenly monitored by CODAC, the implementing partner for the GSAM Project.
The purpose of today’s town hall meeting was to share information on the assessment of the performance of the Garu-Tempane District Assembly in the planning and implementation of the selected capital projects (Construction of a police quarters at Denugu and a CHPS Compound at Konkomadaa).
The District had an overall performance score of 88% from the assessment

Posted in Events, General News.