The Garu-Tempane district has successfully held a 2-day performance review of its just end District Medium Term Development Plan (2014-2017). This was done in line with the guidelines for the preparation of District Medium Term Development Plan under the Medium Term National Development Policy Framework 2018-2021.

The purpose of the review was to assess the level of implementation of planned activities over the existing Medium Term Development Plan period. This is one key requirement of the planning process which will help assess our current status and guide the formulation of the development objectives for subsequent plans.

The exercise was funded by CARE International in Ghana, a development partner in the Garu-Tempane District.

Participants included all Development Partners working with District, All Departments of the Assembly, Agencies and Organisations operating within the boundaries of the District, All Assembly members, Selected Chiefs and Queen Mothers, representatives from special groups, the Regional Development Planning Officer of the Upper East Region, Other Development workers with special expertise and the Media (Ghana News Agency and Quality FM).

The programme was held on 4th and 5th April, 2017 at the Teachers’ Credit Union Conference Hall, Garu.

The exercise revealed that the Garu-Tempane had achieved about 80% implementation status of its District Medium Term Development Plan 2014-2017. There was a call on all stakeholders, organisations, departments and development partners to work together towards the preparation of the new District Medium Term Development Plan and its implementation.

Posted in Events, General News.

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